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  Ozone multipurpose sterilizer

  Ozone water washing machine

  Car air purifier

  ozone purifier -Remote Control for home

  OZ series ozone  generator

  SOZ series strong    ozone generator

  Integrated ozone - oxygen generator

  PSA oxygen generator

  High concentration ozone water generator

  SOZ-HSAquaculture sterilizing - oxygen feeding equipment

  Wall hung type air sterilizer

  perpendicularity type air sterilizer

  L series small ozone generator

  Dispenser quick sterilizer

  The newest product -- Ozone water strong mixer

  AOW series automatic air dryer

  ADW series no heat regenerating PSA air dryer

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Aquaculture and processing ozone generator,

ozone machine application technology

Ozone is a strong oxidant, has a strong sterilization, odor, to color, degradation of organic matter properties. Application of ozone for disinfection and purification, with a non-toxic, harmless and without any residue characteristics, ozone is known as is currently the world's cleanest disinfectant. The ozone treatment significantly improved water quality conditions. In other countries, the application of ozone in aquaculture have more reported that since the beginning of 1929 the author was published in the aquaculture and processing of ozone application effect of the article, the subsequent decades many scholars application of ozone in aquaculture, young fish cultivation, disease prevention and control as well as red tide and sterilization aquatic grain processing, shellfish purification and other aspects of a large number of tests and various applications. Face of China's aquaculture development trends, ozone technology will be more extensive applications. Combined with the characteristics of the aquaculture industry in the application of technologies for ozone-depth study on the development of aquaculture will play a positive role in promoting.

An ozone disinfection and purification

1.1 of ozone and inorganic reactions: ozone and cyanide, manganese, iron, hydrogen sulfide, nitrite oxidation reaction occurs.

1.2 ozone react with organics

Reaction of ozone with organics There are two general ways. A direct response. Ie directly with ozone to form molecules of organic matter in water to react; two indirect reaction, that is in the water after the decomposition of ozone produced a series of highly reactive free radical reaction is most intense OH -.

Hoigne and bader proof, PH is low, the reaction tends to be indirect response. The amount of water, inorganic disincentive for indirect response, because they easily with OH - to react, so that the OH - react with organics is suppressed.

Reaction of ozone with nitrogen-containing organic compounds, nitrogen-containing organic compounds in water containing humic substances, chlorophyll, amino acids, amines, nitro compounds, pesticides and so on. Laplaich (1982) that the ozone reaction with the amine in the molecule within the body rearrangement to form N - hydroxysuccinimide amine, nitrogen oxide ligand compound, these substances further formed after the ozone various aldehydes, amides, acids and other substances.

1.2 an ozone and phenol. For water, the phenol pollution has great dangers. In the phenol contaminated natural water purification process, the phenol is oxidized by oxygen in air or oxidation of humic acid hydrolysis condensation of the aromatic nucleus is opened to generate a series of oxygen compounds, ultimately decomposed into carbon dioxide, water and acids. Foreign studies have confirmed that the reaction of ozone with a phenol of the very rapid consumption of ozone oxidation of phenol, 1 ppm phenol to 2-4 ppm ozone.

1.2 2 ozone and pesticides. When using ozone oxidation of certain pesticides, in the same solution gave off smell, the original compound has also been completely destroyed. 98% of the phosphorus amides can be decomposed and generates a non-toxic product (when the ozone concentration of 4.6 mg / mg). Using ozone at a dose of 3 mg / mg of methyl parathion can be destroyed and the p-nitrophenol , when the reaction product odorless. Dichlorvos ozone reacted vehemently, when ozone depleting agents are data vary greatly, and some oil ozone consumption up 3 mg / g. Oxidation method used in practice and coagulation combined treatment, from the natural completely remove the residual water content of the oil.

1.3 ozone bleaching and deodorizing effect

1.3.1 Ozone oxidation of organics in water coloring bleaching effect, trace amounts of ozone can also receive good results, Takayanagi other experiments were carried out on the effects of bleaching. Most of the surface water, it appears natural color, because the water there is a colored humic acid, these substances are polymers, the nitrogen-containing cyclic structure polyfunctional compounds. Ozone decolorization of the humic acid solution (about 70%), and the role of oxidative damage irrelevant because in this case, the carbon is converted to carbon dioxide gas does not exceed 30%. Start the reaction of ozone gas and the side chain hydroxy group is oxidized to carbonyl compounds, carbon dioxide gas and volatile acids. Decoloration observed when the process is broadly interpreted, phenolic hydroxyl group is oxidized to the corresponding quinone. Further oxidation of the ozone molecule from its connection with the aromatic nucleus and generate a break from the bridge at the weak role of the white-colored stained humic acid. Ozone dosing at high doses case, the process of oxalate destruction occurs ring, thus reinforcing the bleaching process.

1.3.2 odor of ozone in water is extremely effective. Water pollution caused by industrial odor substances in addition to outside, can also cause soil microbial smelly, musty, smelly and other algae. According to microbiological research, water aerobic actinomycetes to generate musty; due actinomycetes produce antibiotics that bacteria die and stink. The results show that emit smelly substance is water soil microbial metabolites, named geosmin (C 12 H 18 O 22), a compound known issue moldiness mucidune (C 12 H 18 O 2)

Islands and other reports, adding 4.8 ppm ozone, odor degrees 40 degrees water becomes odorless, adding in a small experimental device 2 ppm ozone, can smell from 20 down to 0 degrees. There are tests proved below 25 degrees in the removal of odor, ozone injection rate of 0.1-1.5 ppm.

1.4 Ozone role in the killing microorganisms in water

1.4.1 The role of ozone on bacteria in water

Ozone to kill bacteria in the water effect is remarkable, we focused on the different breeding nursery production and testing environment for the conduct of such tests. urchin nursery water sterilization tests. August 1996 in Dalian Bi Dragon Seafood Co., application of ozone water processor test, and the results are shown in Table 1. As can be seen, but the ozone dosage of 1 mg / l, it can effectively kill bacteria in seawater, sea urchins its bactericidal effect seedling production to meet water needs.

Table 1 urchin nursery bactericidal test with seawater


Treated water

Ozone dosage

Test 1

Test 2

Total number of bacteria

Sterilization rate

Total number of bacteria

Sterilization rate



1420  /ml


12400  /ml


5 t/h

1 g/h

0  /ml


30  /ml


4 t/h

1.25 g/h

0  /ml


20  /ml


3 t/h

1.67 g/h

0  /ml


10  /ml


2 t/h

2.5 g/h

0  /ml


0  /ml



May 24, 1995, in Dalian Lu Shun Aquaculture, Applied BNP-G-type ozone water processor for processing of aquatic products be sterilized using underground well water testing, sterilization effect is shown in Table 2. Since groundwater without algae, no other impurities, when the ozone dosage was 0.47 mg / l when the sterilization rate can reach 97.99%, when the dosage of 0.63 mg / l, the sterilization rate of near 100%.

Table 2 wells sterilization experiments


Water flow

m 3 /h

Ozone production


Ozone dosage

g/m 3

Total number of bacteria


Sterilization rate






Control group









< 1





< 1

99.83 crab breeding water sterilization tests. (March 1997 to May, respectively, in Tanggu District, Tong Ning hatcheries; Dagang Dahua hatchery crab breeding water for sterilizing effect of ozone treatment was tested in containing algae breeding waters, when the total number of bacteria in water in 102 orders of magnitude more than in the ozone dosage of 1.2 mg / 1, the right to kill bacteria in the water rate can reach 90%, while water can effectively kill Vibrio, when the ozone dosage is 2 mg / l, the vibrio kill rate of 99% or more.

1.4.2 The role of ozone on plankton

In March 1997 to May, the use of ozone water processor ozone killing plankton in sea water test results. According to the literature for plankton, dissolved ozone concentration 0.5 - 1 ppm can destroy algae protozoa. For small mollusks, dissolved ozone concentration of 2.2 ppm, the treatment time of 30 minutes to kill 98% of the larvae. The ozone injection volume was 2.2 - 3 ppm, can get a 50% kill algae results. The role of ozone on zooplankton. Ozone-killing effect on plankton in the water is affected by many factors a complex process. Although the water quality in each test different biochemical conditions, the data are quite different, but not difficult to see the water zooplankton sensitive to ozone. Under normal circumstances, the ozone dosage of 2.08 mg / l, the kill rate on zooplankton can reach 95%. Ozone dosage of 4.17 mg / 1 when zooplankton kill rate can reach 100%. The role of ozone on phytoplankton. Phytoplankton for ozone response seems less sensitive. Ozone dosage of 1.2mg / l when the algae was 31 - 36%, ozone dosage of 2.08 mg / 1 when algae kill rate of up to 50% or more, when the ozone dosage amounted to 4.17 mg / 1:00 to algae killing rate was 89 percent. phytoplankton different types of ozone effects. Ozone on different types of phytoplankton killing effect is different, and we were in the Tanggu District Tong Ning hatcheries, Dagang Dahua hatchery were ozone on cyanobacteria, green algae, golden algae, diatoms effect for experimental analysis of ozone on the effects of different types of phytoplankton are quite different effect on the golden algae kill the strongest, followed on diatoms, blue-green algae killing effect for the worst. Overall analysis of ozone on phytoplankton species and their role in the killing is not only relevant, but also by its direct impact on the absolute number. The absolute number of large algae, you need to ozone dosage increased. Where the absolute number of large blue-green algae, the overall rate of decline in algae.

1.4.3 The role of ozone on red tide organisms

Red tide plankton in the oceans is explosive proliferation, causing water discoloration. Because of its biological populations can present different red, brown or dark gray. Coastal tide would cause serious harm to marine life. According to the material reported ozone can effectively kill red tide organisms, decomposition of red tide organisms toxins. August 28, 1995, Dalian Fisheries Liu Yongqing and other schools in the county, Shandong Long Island waters near the island discovered Tuoji red tide, and application of ozone on red tide organisms (noctiluca) were killing assay, after ozone treatment noctiluca comminuted fracture occurs. October 6, 1998 Fisheries Research Institute of Tianjin Bohai Bay red tide dinoflagellate biological tests carried out ozone killing. Peridinin ozone-treated for 10 minutes, the housing broken away completely disintegrated pigment.

1.5 Discussion and Conclusion

1.5.1 ozone as a strong oxidant, a variety of chemical substances in water has a strong oxidation and degradation, so that effective water purification. Chemical degradation of the ozone depletion, the nature of its material, and is proportional to concentration. In order to achieve efficient purification of water, generally an excess input method are used, so that the water to maintain a certain amount of dissolved ozone.

1.5.2 ozone kill bacteria in the water is very effective. Bacteria on a body of water containing only need a small amount of ozone dosing, less than 0.5 ppm can be achieved when more than 97% of the sterilization rate. If the water contains phytoplankton and other substances, to be effectively sterilized the need to improve the ozone dosage. Tests showed Vibrio sensitive to ozone, the general number of Vibrio magnitude at 102 / ml, ozone dosage of 1.25 ppm can reach more than 90% kill rate.

1.5.3 Different biological effects of ozone on water effect is different. On zooplankton has a strong killing power in fewer total plankton only under conditions less ozone dosage, it can effectively kill the water zooplankton. Ozone is selective killing of phytoplankton, to the blue, green algae effectively kill, requires large amount of ozone dosing, it is not economical approach. There are material reported with Coagulation first remove most of the algae, and then after the ozone treatment method is cost-effective.

1.5.4 electrode potential is a reflection of how much water enriched with reducing substances of a comprehensive index. For heavily polluted bodies of water, because the water and more oxygen consumption reducing substances, some of which showed a lower water electrode potential is negative. Ozone treated water after reducing substances reduced hydro electric potential of significantly improved, indicating conversion of water into oxygen-enriched water quality has been significantly improved. And as ozone dosage increased, the potential increases linearly can be said to further improve water quality. But the electrode potential and the water between the biochemical substances, is unclear and should be further in-depth research and discussion.

2 Ozone application in aquaculture and research

2.1 Overview

Since the 1980s, aquaculture With our rapid development, the level continues to increase. With the development of aquaculture, sea and freshwater nursery has entered the industrial production stage. Factory breeding technology matures, but also to promote the further development of the aquaculture industry and improvement. As in recent years, industrial and agricultural pollution is worsening, resulting in a deterioration of water environment farming, aquatic breeding due to water pollution caused by the production or no production, a large number of overwintering broodstock or seed and breeding disease deaths occur frequently, all of which severely restricted the further development of fishery production. The face of deteriorating water quality, relevant research, production department and other aspects of water treatment and fish disease prevention measures, but the use of conventional water treatment is difficult to fundamentally improve the breeding nursery water quality. How effective production of water treatment and purification to improve breeding, seedling quality: the future development of healthy farming, water fishing a very important issue, especially in a serious shortage of water sources today, the problem is even more important.

Over the years many scholars application of ozone in aquaculture, larval rearing, disease prevention, control and sterilization of red tide and other aspects of a large number of tests and various applications. There is material evidence, the application of ozone for water purification and disinfection water treatment system than other more competitive. It is reported that material, the ozone treated water can improve cell respiration conditions for biological growth. Use it to aquatic breeding and larval rearing, can greatly reduce the seedling mortality, fish food conversion efficiency can be significantly improved.

In China, aquaculture and breeding of ozone in the application of a late start. Mid-nineties some research institutions by applying the test, there are also some aquaculture production units began to apply. For example: Xiamen Ocean Institute and Tsinghua use of ozone for the shrimp aquaculture disease prevention trials. Anshan, Liaoning, Dalian, Shandong Long Island and other places some research, teaching and production units in fish farming, sea cucumber, abalone, oysters and scallops and other species of breeding and nursery were tested and applied to obtain better results.

In the present application, because some applications of ozone units do not understand the nature and application of technology, the application of ozone caused by a large number of fish deaths also occurred. While in the country have not seen on ozone in aquaculture and nursery production optimization mode, aquaculture water treatment, fish disease prevention and the promotion of biological growth and other aspects of in-depth research and systematic coverage. Our response to these situations of ozone in aquaculture research to identify the regularity of application of ozone research proposes the application of ozone aquatic breeding optimization model developed for ozone water treatment equipment, these research and experimental work will promote aquaculture health, water-saving farming techniques and factory farming and nursery industry is of great significance.

2.2 mitten crab nursery ozone technology research

2.2.1 Ozone water treatment foster optimal conditions sinensis seedlings Experimental Research

Crab breeding processes are currently using hydrostatic inflatable, open process. Need to replace a lot of water every day, in order to increase the dissolved oxygen in breeding ponds to change the degree of water pollution, but also need to use drugs to suppress the propagation of pathogens. But by the late nursery, the bottom excessive deposition of organic matter, resulting in lower water oxygen debt is high, bacteria blooms, water quality deterioration, resulting in a large number of larvae died. Therefore, the use of ozone-treated water after to maintain a good environment for the crab larvae provide a good water environment has become the key to success crab nursery.

In order to find the optimal ozone water crab breeding conditions for ozone treatment of water, seedling density, changing water three factors and three levels orthogonal test, and use gray correlation analysis method to analyze the role of the relationship between factors in order to obtain ozone water added volume, nursery density, for the rational combination of water, crab nursery validation of ozone in the role, summed up the ozone treatment of water crab factory breeding process optimization.

The trial in March 1997 - April Tanggu for aquatic breeding pond Ning, the company developed ozone water processor, ozone dosage per cubic meter of water 1 - 1.5 g orthogonal design

Experimental factors to determine: A a ozone water dosage: B a larval density; C an exchange of water. Test to determine the level: set three levels of each factor in Table 3. Trial grouping scheme; using L 9 (3 4) orthogonal table a total of nine experimental groups. Species fed diets during the test as unicellular algae, egg yolk, yeast, spirulina powder, rotifers and Artemia nauplii. tested once a day p H values, salinity, dissolved oxygen tested once every other day. Z 1 Z 2 and Z 3 a Megalopa a period of ammonia nitrogen, Asia nitrate nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, oxygen consumption and total bacteria and other indicators were measured.

Table 3 ozone sterile river crabs test level of form factors




Add the amount of ozone water

A %

Nurturing larval density

B Wan body/m 3

Change the amount of water

C %


A 1 0

B 1 15.66

C 1 20


A 2 50

B 2 23.49

C 2 25


A 3 100

B 3 31.32

C 3 33 Test results

Test time used 16 days of emergence of crab megalopa test results are shown in Table 4.

Table 4 crab Megalopa emergence test results


Test No.










Emergence (only)










Germination (%)










Dynamic conditions









Poor Grey Relational Analysis

Grey correlation analysis using the method to calculate the amount of water affect the biochemical conditions on the emergence of the degree of association, the discharge associated procedures to directly reflect the various sub-sequences of the same base sequence of the "merits" or "primary and secondary" relationships, thus identify the impact of the emergence of various biochemical factors between the amount of primary and secondary relationship.

Processed data for use ammonia, nitrite, oxygen consumption, total bacteria influence on the amount of crab emergence correlation calculation. Let the amount of parent sequence emergence, expressed as X l (k) (k = 1, 2, ...... 9 for the test group number) is: X 1 (k) = ((X 1 (1), X 1 (2) , ......, X 1 (9)), located ammonia, nitrite, oxygen consumption, total bacterial sequences, are expressed as: X 2 (k), X 3 (k), X 4 (k), X 5 (k), obtained correlation R:

R = (r 1,2, r 1, 3, rl, 4, r 1, 5) = (0.210, 0.172, 0.199, 0.249)

These results indicate that the total number of bacteria in water crab emergence percentage for the most significant impact, followed by ammonia, oxygen consumption, and nitrite minimal impact. As can be seen from Table 5, ammonia nitrogen, oxygen consumption of ozone on experimental factors added amount of water the correlation maximum nitrite on cloth seedling density associated with max. Showed that ozone treated water can effectively improve the water environment in the nursery ammonia, COD conditions, ozone water was added to each test group nursery ammonia, COD, were significantly lower than the control group. Ammonia can be lower

Down 31.59 - 31.89%, COD decreased 30.66 ~ 45.33%, the total number of bacteria decreased 34.17 - 58.35%.

Table 5 Test factor corresponding to the degree of association of hydration index




Associated degrees R



Chemical oxygen demand

Add the amount of ozone water




Cloth seedling density




For water





Ozone treated water after blocking the bacteria into the way of breeding water, and is conducive to the growth of beneficial bacteria, beneficial degradation of organic material, thereby improving the breeding pool environment. Optimal combination of factor levels

As can be seen in Table 6, the results for the three indicators of three priority of factors were: emergence amount A> C> B, seedling density B> A> C, dynamic coefficient B >> A, C. From the emergence of this volume indicators, the level of portfolio optimization should be A 3 C 3 B 3: From the emergence indicators, should be B 1 A 3 C 3; coefficient from the vitality indicators, should be B 3 A 3 C 1 , 3. Look for a comprehensive analysis of the three groups, the optimum combination of factors that should be A 3 B 1 C 1.

Table 6 crab breeding of comprehensive analysis table



Emergence percentage


Dynamic coefficient










K 1










K 2










K 3





















A 3

B 3

C 3

A 3

B 1

C 3

A 2  3

B 1

C 1  3 Analysis and Summary

Nursery water by ozone treatment, ammonia nitrogen, oxygen consumption, nitrite and total number of bacteria can be greatly degraded, the degradation rate of the ozone dosage are closely related. As ozone reduction reaction occurs in the water, have a strong ability of atomic oxygen (O) and hydroxyl (OH), can rapidly oxidize organic matter, kill bacteria. Therefore, the pool has been significantly purified water and non-toxic, harmless, no residue, for the crab larvae provide a good ecological environment, can effectively improve the germination capacity, is suitable for the production of crab breeding water applications processing technology.

From the correlation analysis showed that the amount of acting factor affecting the emergence of order was: total number of bacteria> nitrogen> oxygen consumption> nitrite. Where bacteria is the main contributing factor, especially anaerobic pathogens. The integrated inference, cloth seedling density and total number of bacteria are closely related. Therefore, a reasonable and efficient breeding density is an important measure. From the overall consideration, all using ozone water factory breeding, coupled with the exchange of water appropriately, using reasonable cloth seedling density that A 3 B 1 C 1 is the optimal combination.

2.2.2 Ozone water treatment processes in the inland waters of nursery

1997 - 1998, respectively, in Tianjin Dagang oilfield drilling a company hatcheries and Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, Jiang Yang special aquatic Company hatcheries were based integrated water treatment ozone water treatment technology research. The former is more than 20 kilometers from the coast, nursery water is 1445M 3; latter is more than 200 kilometers from the coast, nursery water is 2100M 3. Water are salt brine to prepare for the nursery, a total water consumption of 5.6 million tons. Closed loop by ozone treatment used for single-cell algae cultivation, pro-crab holding culture, nursery, a total of 559.5 kg megalopa bred, made a breakthrough in the production. Specifically, the following: Configuration and water facilities

Two hatcheries car, boat pulled from the sea salt brine transport. Brine salinity of 42 - 900 ‰ formulated into a 18 - 23 ‰. Salinity water as nursery water. treatment machine, function, capacity

Using our ozone equipment. The machine is small, light weight, high efficiency, easy to use features. Its main function is to remove toxic substances, biocide, partial oxidation of heavy metal ions and organic matter. Treated water meets fishery water quality standards. In the breeding process recycled purified water, treated water 10 - 20 tons / hour, according to the degree of purification and water quality requirements, can adjust the amount of water. Water Treatment Process

Nursery preparation with brine water by sedimentation, filtration into the nursery ponds for hatching and nurturing the young larvae use. Nursery pond discharge of waste water and the precipitate was filtered by the ozone water treatment machine processing, and then aggregated to the treated water reservoir, the precipitate is filtered into tune with salt pond, and then the precipitate was filtered, and after passing the tests re-entering the nursery pond used to form a closed loop. ozone water treatment effects and production

Nursery pond discharge of waste water, after the ozone treatment, the nitrite significantly degraded, and then the physical, chemical and biological integrated treatment of a number of other water quality indicators in line with national fishery water quality standards. Processing purified water quality changes are shown in Table 7 Table 8

Table 7 1996-1997 Dagang crab hatcheries ozone water quality changes (capacity 5T / h)




NH 3 - CN



NH 2 - CN




Plankton (Wan / ml)










Dominant species of phytoplankton Chlorella

Treat seawater







Table 8 1997-1998 Yangzhou City Agricultural Development Corporation crab hatcheries handle changes in water quality




NH 3 - CN



NH 2 - CN



(Wan / ml)









Dominant species of phytoplankton ball bath

Treat seawater( 20T/h 





Treat seawater( 15T/h 





Treat seawater( 10T/h 






The purpose of treatment is to prevent water pollution after discharge, recycling of breeding water, the preparation can save a lot of water, reducing production costs. Therefore, the use of ozone-treated water nursery, in the process is feasible, the effect is very obvious. Crab nursery in the application of large-scale production of ozone water treatment technology, breeding high yield and stability. 1997 Dagang hatchery production Crab 183 kg (150 kg which early Traditional Miao), 1998-1999 Yangzhou hatchery production of crabs were 376. 5 kg (including early fan seedlings 233 kg) and 635.5 kg. Table 9.

Table 9 crab nursery (Megalopa) yields






Batch Production( kg 

Nursery water bodyM 3





Dagang Oilfield hatcheries








Yangzhou Agricultural Development Corporation hatcheries
















Application of ozone water crab nursery, and can shorten the incubation period of 2 - 3 days. Meanwhile Crab individual large, robust and strong vitality. Therefore, ozone water treatment technology by closed-cycle use, saving water and transportation costs, reduce costs and prevent pollution of the environment, economic, ecological and social benefits is quite remarkable.

2.3 Ozone in seawater breeding research chemical and biological effects

2.3.1 Seedling ozone in seawater influence of physical and chemical indicators of water quality

In Seafood nursery, the water quality is a key factor in the success of breeding one. With increasing marine pollution, the frequent occurrence of red tide, the sea nursery facing serious challenges. Meanwhile, in the inland areas of seawater breeding, due to lack of sea water, sea water must be used for the preparation of a closed loop nursery. Therefore, the use of ozone water treatment technology to improve water purification, water treatment technology is the future breeding sea in one direction. For this purpose, ozone water seedling physical and chemical indicators of water quality testing, is a very necessary work. -

Test uses by the Tianjin Institute of Fisheries and Tsinghua University jointly developed ozone generator ozone water treatment machine and change the flow of the mixer to control the amount of ozone into the water, the obtained data were analyzed to evaluate water quality and the role of the larvae. ozone dosage relationship with water and residual ozone

Test samples through 8, ozone dosage (1.25 - 4.17) ppm, residual ozone is (0.185 - 0.542) ppm, through the former (x) and the latter (y) value and the statistical tests, see Table 10. And the correlation coefficient r for significance tests, the results showed t >> t 0.01 (t 0.01 = 3.707).

Table 10 dosage amount of ozone in water (X) and the remaining amount of ozone in water (Y) values ​​and statistical test results



Ozone dosage

X (ppm)

Residual ozone

Y (ppm



























































Tests showed that the amount of ozone in water dosing and the remaining amount of ozone in water has a significant positive correlation. Such residual background concentrations of ozone can also continue to play a breeding ponds water quality further purification. While the nursery larvae harmless. pair of ammonia, nitrite, nitrate impact

Of ammonia is NH 4 + and NH 3 component, NH 4 + are non-toxic and can be directly absorbed by organisms, but NH 3, which is toxic to organisms even death. Nitrite on larval breeding easy to produce toxic effects, is an intermediate product in the process of nitrification, denitrification Hydrochloric acid is the end product of nitrification, non-toxic for breeding larvae, which can be directly absorbed by phytoplankton. According to tests showed that increasing ozone dosage, the degradation of ammonia has a strong role, while being full oxidation of nitrite, nitrate but overall is on the rise. Expressed in normal water nitrification of the water quality improvement nursery plays an extremely important role. degradation of organic compounds in water

Because larval breeding water breathing and excretion, bait deposition, so that the accumulation of organic matter dissolved in water declined sharply, worsening water quality, the ability to degrade organic compounds in water, and seawater breeding success are closely related. Through tests showed that the ozone degradation of organic matter and water, the p H, p H is higher, the greater the degree of degradation. P H as breeding water between 8.2 and 8.5, in the range of p H high, faster degradation of organic matter.

2.3.2 ozone to kill bacteria in seawater results.

Ozone kills bacteria in seawater test is Bi Dragon Seafood Co., Ltd. in Dalian sea urchin nursery conducted. Experiment applied Tianjin Fisheries Research Institute and Tsinghua University jointly developed ozone water treatment machine to purify and process water, and achieved significant results.

August 1, 1996 - August 14, respectively, before and after ozone water quality and the number of bacteria were detected, the sea water is first treated by ozone water treatment machine ozone water directly into the sea urchin breeding ponds, ozone water will also put into the large pool, vaccination Chaetoceros, seeding density of 100,000 / ml, growing well. A week later multiply rapidly to 100 - 2000000 / ml, cultivate a good body of water, not protozoa and algae and other miscellaneous biological contamination, culture can be fed after the success of sea urchin larvae. Tests were carried out three times, have proved seawater ozone water can kill almost all bacteria, reaching seedling production water standards, and then return after treatment, can be urchin nursery. The results are shown in Table 11, Table 12.

Table 11 on August 14 after the ozone treatment of the indicators of seawater


Treated water per hour, T / h






The number of bacteria


Killing rate









Add ammonia nitrogen in seawater








Table 12 5T / h Comparison kill bacteria under conditions



Bacterial content

Cells / ml

Culling rate


Bacterial content after treatment

Cells / ml




Winter normal seawater





Recycled water





Summer normal seawater

 1-2 )千




Add ammonia water in summer

 1-2 )千




Seawater bacteria inoculation

 1-2 )万





2.4 fish, shrimp, algae, shellfish nursery application of ozone technology research

2.4.1 Ozone Technology in Macrobrachium Seedlings

Rosenbergii is suitable for growing in freshwater excellent varieties. To be able to stay away from inland waters and waters rosenbergii farming regions, it is necessary to improve breeding techniques, breeding more shrimp, especially in the absence of sea water, but also need recycling areas, improve the unit volume of water sports seedlings to shut important. The technical term

Application test is divided into three groups, each group has three test cell, the first group, every 2 days with ozone treatment time processor, the second group once every 5 days of treatment, and the third processed once every 10 days. Were put into groups of three test pool 5 ppm, l0 ppm, 15 ppm concentrations of photosynthetic bacteria. Throughout the testing process does not change the water does not impose any medication, sewage suction once every two days, while comprehensive monitoring of water quality indicators. Shrimp observed daily vitality, development five days of shrimp body length measured weight. The test pump flow of 5 m 3 / h, the oxygen flow rate of 0.25-0.3 m 3 / h, the amount of ozone put 1.5-2 g / m 3 (water).

The results showed that every 5 to 7 days treatment with ozone water, a nursery and put l0ppm concentration with the best combination of photosynthetic bacteria. Its shrimp grow faster than other combinations of germination was 10 --- 14.2%, and the cost savings. Detailed in Table 13.

Table 13 nursery pond emergence Statistics


Pool number










Emergence percentage (ten thousand)










Germination (%)











The test is rosenbergii factory nursery production application is successful, ozone is an ideal disinfectant, water purification agent, you can save a lot of costs, especially in the inland areas without sea water can be breeding,

2.4.2 Ozone foster the application of single-cell algae to develop inland fisheries Roche shrimp farming industry.

Unicellular algae cultivation of seedling production is a key technology that is first with sodium hypochlorite or calcium hypochlorite to disinfect the water body, and then with sodium thiosulfate to neutralize the excess chlorine, and then only after prolonged aeration applied to algae inoculation and cultivation. As the pre-treatment time is too long, to some extent, restricted the production application.

This test Sheyang County, Jiangsu Province, Funing hatcheries, were used for Phaeodactylum provided by the Qingdao Ocean, the test temperature 9.4 - 10.5 ℃, salinity is 19. 4 --- 22.0% o, the control group using three precipitation water, the sodium hypochlorite, sodium thiosulfate and then after neutralization and aeration should be three current general culture, the basic use of chemical disinfection method, using. Test group also take three precipitated water treated with ozone processor, the ozone dosage is 1 g / m 3, the treated water clean and transparent, sterile, algae, protozoa no.

Experimental group and the control group treated water into single cell culture tanks, then take algae species, nutrient inputs and timing stirred. Growth density compared in Table 14.

Table 14 Phaeodactylum bath growth density contrast (ten thousand / ml)


  Hour intervals

Test Packet





The 1st test group





The 2nd test group





The 3rd test group





The 4th test group






Table 15 experimental and control group growth rate table


        Time H




t(2) 24

t(3) 48



Test group X 1 (K)





Control group X 0 (K)






The results showed that the water temperature 10 - 20 o C under the conditions of ozone dosage at 1g / m 3, you can achieve the results of disinfection and purification, the treated water for 1 hour after use. Residual ozone in the water after treatment with a strong sterilization effect, but also a variety of instruments can be sterilized, the use of simple and effective. Cultivate a pure single-celled algae, and save a lot of chemicals. Save energy, labor, quality of gold, in the culture of biological material using erbium prospects.

2.4.3 ozone water purification applications for shellfish test

Artificial breeding of shellfish on the basis of continued success, our shellfish production rising rapidly, the proportion of aquatic shellfish aquaculture production increased year by year, but due to the serious impact of marine pollution, especially in the Bohai Sea, the shellfish The quality is seriously threatened. Some species prohibited domestic sales, the majority of species can not be exported, shellfish aquaculture production is more difficult and arduous stage, and most important reason is that water pollution and water purification problems. The use of ozone treatment technology to purify water for shellfish shellfish purification experiment improved the quality of health indicators can make shellfish reach.

Experiment with Clam, four clams as the main species, samples were taken from the coastal Tanggu, first under the "food hygiene inspection regulations" on the bottom of samples measured. Then put into artificial seawater, which leads to ozone, every 6 hours, every 20 minutes, the ozone dosage is 1g / m 3, 24 hours after the determination of water quality and health indicators. Without ozone experiment with sea water as a control group.

Experimental results show that the Clam, four clams after ozone treatment, the body and the environment health indicators and water chemistry indicators have gained significantly improved. Ozone on shellfish bacteria have a strong inhibitory effect. For fecal coliform has a strong role in the killing more purification effect is remarkable, well water aerobics effect is obvious, the role of strong ammonia degradation, and corners Clam clam vitality, mortality within 24 hours. Tests have shown that the use of ozone water depuration case of shellfish contaminated soil to accelerate the elimination of the body, with the respiration conducted continuously toxic substances excreted from the body of toxic substances and by ozone oxidation. Shellfish at this time continue to absorb the fresh water environment, and constantly washing their digestive system, and remove, and finally to reach fresh shellfish standard of cleanliness, to food standards.

2.4.4 Ozone water catfish application of artificial propagation

Magic Point Fork American freshwater fish is the main economic and intensive fish farming. China since 1984, after the introduction, has become a promising varieties. Its major sources of artificial seed breeding. Because embryonic developmental stages require a higher water quality, the collection of eggs for artificial incubation block to have a clean high dissolved oxygen (6 m / l) of water. General incubation methods are used to keep water flowing continuously exchanged in order to achieve high oxygen requirement. To ensure the fertilized egg and embryo from bacterial, fungal damage, the incubation period must often use disinfectants and antibiotics, the entire incubation process consumes a lot of medicine, labor and energy. To do this, we use the general pond water through ozone treatment of catfish eggs to hatch test, trial and nurture the growth of seedlings to obtain satisfactory results.

Fertilized egg from Jixian aquatic hatchery broodstock take 12 hours postpartum fertilized egg 60 g, were divided into three. Let three experimental groups, the eggs were placed in different aquarium ozone treatment conditions, and the general Jixian hatchery incubation method can be synchronized controls. After 8 days of incubation, rupture of membranes, calculated hatching. The results are shown in Table 16.

Table 16 ozone on pond water under different treatment conditions catfish back to the fertilized egg hatchability



Different treatment conditions

Egg mass weight (g)

Rate of eggs (%)


Test group 1

Treated with ozone only once, just punch the gas, do not change the water




Test group 2

Ozone twice a day pass, every 10 minutes




Test group 3

After a day for all ozone-treated water pond




Blank control group

Water, a day with 65mg / l malachite green sterilization twice a middle of 20mg / l of oxytetracycline sterilization



Jixian aquaculture hatchery results


The results show that incubation with ozone water, disinfectants and antibiotics can not, without water, with ozone long time every day or replacement of the water treated with ozone, the hatching and the general treatment of the water soluble drug obtained the same effect.

Seedlings rupture starts feeding, continue to cultivate with ozone water, test results show that a day for 1/4 of ozone in water, their growth significantly faster weight gain significantly. During the 15 days of cultivation, the weight gain for the control group of 1.42 to 1.78 times, see Table 17.

Table 17 catfish seedling growth and survival weight


Measurement items


Growth% weight after 15 days

 15 days after seedling survival%

Experimental group



Blank group




Conditions do not change the water, place the fish quickly seedlings, eye infections myxobacteria, to 1/2 of the fish into the ozone water, and 10%, while the other 1/2 of the fish to maintain the original environment (no ozone water ), the mortality rate was 35%.

2.5 Ozone effects on fish growth rate test the mortality rate

Freshwater aquaculture and sea water, ozone-treated seedlings, not only water quality has been significantly improved, and the growth of aquatic organisms has played a significant role in promoting. In order to explore the role of ozone effects on fish growth rate, with the red tilapia and carp respectively nitrite elimination of ozone, ozone on the environmental impact of fish microflora two aspects of the test, the ozone to promote the growth of fish issues discussed.

2.5.1 Ozone elimination of nitrite on the growth inhibition test Methods

Test with red carp, fish hatcheries from Ninghe ones, totaling 160, were divided into four groups, each 40. Respectively, into the water body is 0.2m 3 of the four aquaria, 1 # daily treatment machine with ozone treatment, an ozone amount of 3g / h, I dosing twice a day, every 20 minutes, nitrite concentration maintained at 0.068 ~ 0.77 mg / l between. 2 # 4 # nitrite concentration at 2.0, 4.0, 6.0 mg / l, no ozone water, 4 aquarium inflated twice daily, weekly water 2 times, each water 1/3. Fed artificial feed three times a day, every 5 - 8 g, 20 days after the fish weighed.

5.1.2 Results

As can be seen from the table, a # red carp net body weight much higher than other groups. # 1 except that the concentration of twice daily fed 0.5 g / m 3 ozone, the nitrite maintained at a low level.

In order to determine weight gain nitrite concentration relationship, in addition to a charge of ozone water # 2 - # 4 Stop adding sodium nitrate, after 20 days of feeding, the results are shown in Table 18, Table 19, Figure 7.

Table 18 into the ozone group and non-group fish weight punch ozone comparison results







Before the test, the weight of fish (g) Σ X










End of the test weight of fish( g ) Σ X










Net weight ( g ) Σ X











Table 19 fish weight gain speed and the relationship between the concentration of nitrite ion







Before the test, the average weight of red carp (g)





After the test, the average weight of red fish (g)





Net weight( g 





Average daily gain (g)

6.73 × 10 -3

4.82 × 10 -2

3.31 × 10 -2

4.42 × 10 -2

The average concentration of nitrite ion( mg/l 






Red carp ADG calculated the correlation coefficient with the nitrite concentration was -0.9979, t test to get t >> t 0.001, P <0.001, both were highly significant negative correlation.

2.5.2 Ozone on the role of fish gut microflora environment

Ozone on bacteria, fungi and viruses have a strong role in the killing, and its mechanism of action: the role of the cell membrane causes increased permeability of the membrane, intracellular material outflows. Essential role in cell activity of the enzyme, to loss of activity. Cytoplasmic genetic material damage. Thus, the role of ozone in water, bacteria and other microbial communities change composition, but can be changed if ozone fish gut microflora environment and indirectly affect fish digestive and other functions, such as bacterial amylases secretion can help digestion , this study of ozone on the total number of fish gut bacteria affect bacterial amylase activity test. Methods

Test tilapia seedlings, fresh from the station this winter pool. The intestine is divided into front, middle and rear three segments, scraped some of the substances on the intestinal wall and intestinal food, respectively, the total number of bacteria and bacterial amylase activity assay sea. Test results

In the intestine, the former, the total number of bacteria in the intestinal wall a great influence on the total number of bacteria decreased by 7 - 16 times the hindgut also declined. As a result, with the decline in the total number of bacteria in the water similar. Description ozone water can also affect fish gut microflora environment. Also shows that secreted by bacteria amylase activity also has a larger change. Description The ozone treatment, significantly reduced the total number of bacteria on the intestinal wall, but bacterial amylase activity was significantly increased, while the digesta bacterial amylase activity did not change significantly. The largest increase in amylase activity as foregut, then intestinal minimum.

2.5.3 Analysis and discussion Ozone lifted nitrite ions on the inhibition of the growth rate of fish

Tests show that ozone can significantly degrade nitrite ion, nitrite ion is an intermediate product of nitrification. Its excess existence of the fish methemoglobin (MHB) with N0 2 - rises exponentially increased, thereby reducing the hemoglobin (HB) in the fish's ability to transport oxygen, so that the fish respiratory rate, increased physical exertion large. The role of ozone, the substantial increase in dissolved oxygen, nitrification enhanced intermediate product NO 2 - to toxic NO 3 - development, thereby eliminating the NO 2 - growth inhibition of fish, fish growth rate will inevitably increased. Total ozone effects on intestinal bacteria

Fish intestinal bacteria, intestinal mucosa, chyme, digested together constitute the intestinal microenvironment. Tests showed that ozone treatment, significantly reduced foregut bacteria, micro-ecological environment has been improved from nutrient loss and host prevalence of both lifted host growth constraints, in addition to the reduction of intestinal bacteria can also reduce the nutrients consumed by bacteria . Everything, have increased host food utilization. ozone on intestinal bacterial amylase activity of

The ozone treatment of water bodies, tilapia hindgut bacteria secrete amylase significantly increased, indicating that some of the beneficial intestinal bacteria to become dominant bacteria. Bacterial amylase digestion of food starch enzyme secreted than fish itself more thoroughly, so that both the joint action of enzymes secreted by the food more thoroughly digested starch increases, the absorption of carbohydrates, enhance the tilapia food utilization, promote growth of fish.

2.6 of ozone on the treatment of bacterial fish diseases test

Bacterial fish diseases in the whole fish diseases account for a large proportion, it has rapid onset, contagious, high mortality, low cure rate, often resulting in significant economic losses fish. Previous tests have proved that the use of ozone treatment, the ozone water with a strong kill bacteria, degradation of organic matter, improve water quality improving the dissolved oxygen content of the water and other characteristics. To this end, the application of ozone water treatment of bacterial fish diseases tests.

2.6.1 Materials and Methods

Test diseased fish, 1 wide from Jixian water technology promotion stations nursery grounds for catfish Reed back to rot, when symptoms of diseased fish body length of 18 cm a 28 cm, pectoral fin rot, fin rot, fin bones exposed surface portion fester. Optical microscopy lesions, a large rod-shaped bacteria (+ + +), no other types of Pathogens. 2 From the town of Carp Dongli District terracotta red skin disease, the main symptoms are: body length 14 cm-20 cm, red skin disease with typical symptoms of carp, optical microscopy lesions, there are a lot of bacteria (+ + +), No other types of pathogens.

Experimental design for the two groups, the test group with ozone, and a control group without ozone. Ozone concentration in the test group of ozone in water (0.1 - 0.3) mg / l. During the test does not change the water, all inflated, avoid hypoxia caused the death of fish, while maintaining normal levels of dissolved oxygen. Diseased fish found dead, the dissolved oxygen content measured immediately to eliminate the causes of death due to hypoxia, chemical indicators tested once every other day, end of the trial, mortality was calculated to determine the therapeutic effect.

2.6.2 Test results

After the test, the test group with ozone Ictalurus fish fish cured, no death, while the control group mortality was 83.3%. Diseased fish carp red cafe experimental group mortality rate was 25% in the control group was 87.5% in the control group diseased fish symptoms, lesions wound increases, activities weakness finally, death. B: The above test showed ozone treatment of bacterial fish diseases, the treatment has a good effect on aquaculture production in the prevention and treatment of fish diseases · will play a big role. Detailed in Table 20. Qualitative test results showed that the test group volume and total number of bacteria strains are significantly lower total number of 1.3 × 10 7 / ml dropped to 25 / ml. Phytoplankton from the 250 290 000 / l, down to 463 500 / l, the phytoplankton biomass 42.63 mg / l down to 0.23 mg / l. Description water quality indicators have reached the level of cleanliness, no doubt on fish and fish therapy plays a big role in recovery. The use of ozone in the test group is always to measure nitrite, which also lifted nitrite poisoning effect on the diseased fish, but also an important reason for treating diseased fish.

3 ozone technology application in fish processing industry

3.1 Overview

Application of ozone in the food industry over a hundred years of history, in 1904 alone the use of ozone preservation of milk, meat, cheese, protein and other food have been reported. 1909 French De Bonie refrigeration plant official use chilled meat surface ozone sterilization, and achieved a significant reduction in the number of microbial effects. In 1928 the British established in Tianjin, "Hop Kee egg plant", which beat egg workshop on the use of ozone disinfection. After World War II, the application of ozone in the food industry technology and equipment developed rapidly, the European countries have developed for ocean transport ship food cold disinfection, mildew preservation of the ozone generator. China since the mid-eighties developed for food processing plant sterilization purification, mildew preservation of the "open" ozone generator, so that food processing export enterprises purification plant conditions have been improved, product quality has been improved.

Ozone in the application of aquatic products processing has long been reported, in 1929 Violle summary, water depuration preozonation is suitable manner. 1936 Shalmon and Le Gall study found that application of ozone ice, water prolong the shelf life of fish. Since the sixties of ozone in foreign fish, shellfish storage preservation aspects of the application of many reports, the application of ozone on fresh seafood purifier has a significant effect. In recent years, as the international market for aquatic health indicators as requested in some of China's export of aquatic products processing enterprises, start applying ozone purification and disinfection. For example Qingdao cold storage, Arthur Johnson aquatic products processing plant, Plant Yantai Foreign Trade refrigerated food processing enterprises, the successful application of ozone for water processing plant and production processes, to ensure the quality of export products, and achieved good results.

1997, in the United States have occurred in an "ozone development milestone" events: the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave up the use of ozone for food processing restrictive policies, recognizing the ozone used in food process meets (FDA) ( General Safety Standards) requirements. This event determines the ozone in the food processing industry of the emerging role of ozone can be expected in the field of food processing applications will be rapid development.

3.2 of ozone in the aquatic food processing applications

Aquatic products processing, like other food processing, from raw material acquisition, processing, storage, transportation and other areas, has its own strict health standards, or product quality can not be guaranteed. In the processing of aquatic products, the application of ozone disinfection technology, it is possible to improve the quality of products to a new level.

3.2.1 The production of water purification sterilization

Aquatic products processing production requires a lot of clean water, which is the cost of production in a large expense. Currently, the industrial and agricultural raw materials from the collection, processing, storage, transportation and other areas, has its strict Methodist increasing pollution, and many fish processing factory water reach health indicators. The method of sterilization and the use of other harmful residues, meet the export standards. Therefore, some aquatic products processing enterprises, the use of ozone disinfection technology effectively solve this problem.

Qingdao Lengcang food export enterprises, the use of sea water processing aquatic products. As is located in the seaside city water contamination on aquatic product quality severely affected. Built in 1994, the ozone water treatment station, the application of Tsinghua University produced 500 g / h ozone generator handles 200 m 3 / h, achieved good results, shown in Table 21.

As the plant process water effectively solve the problem of pollution and improve the quality of export products, has passed an ISO 9002 certified.

Aquaculture, Dalian Johnson company, is located in Port Arthur naval Ying Town township aquatic export processing enterprises, the main products Dayuan needlefish fillets exported to Japan. As the plant uses a lot of manure around the vegetable plot, serious contamination of groundwater sources. Japanese customers for product inspection,

Concurrent bacterial count exceeded cash aureus, telex plant in early 1997 to challenge the quality of products. To this end, in May 1997 by the Tianjin Institute of Fisheries cooperation with Tsinghua University, ozone water treatment systems for the completion of the plant, so that processing water has been purified. The ozone treatment to kill bacteria in the water was 99.9%, and improve product quality, economic efficiency of enterprises is guaranteed. Meanwhile, the Port Arthur area small aquatic products processing enterprises, in order to ensure that their products can meet export standards, have come with their own materials processing plant.

"World Scientific Translation News" May 24, 1995 reported that ozone has a healing effect, which is in Port Arthur Johnson aquatic products processing plant to be confirmed. In production, the operator's hand will often be scratched or punctured fish, purulent soon after injury, eventually becoming healing. In the use of ozone water processing, the general response of the operator, after the injury heal wounds do not fester easy, so popular operatives welcome.

Yantai Foreign Trade refrigerated Plant is a large state two enterprises, the process water is taken from groundwater. As the water environment pollution, long-term use of sodium hypochlorite to disinfect water for processing, and the increase of product quality industrial products affected. Designed by Tsinghua University in 1997 to install a THW - 500 Ozone water treatment systems, more than two years the system is operating normally, the water remains clean state, to ensure the quality of aquatic products processing, by the higher commodity inspection, quarantine departments of praise. In the operation of the water test results, see Table 22.

3.3 ozonized water storage and purification of fish and shellfish in the application

3.3.1 There are many foreign material reported ozone in fish, shrimp, shellfish purification and storage research and application examples. 1936 Salon and Le Gall study found that ozone ice stored in fresh fish from 12 to 16 days still edible, which is stored in the (hypochlorous acid) in sterile ice fish 12 days, probably eight days, that is unfit for human consumption. They also found that ozone treatment of fresh fish placed in ice, which is almost 2 times longer storage time. Ozone is generally considered fairly stable at 0 OC, easy to break down naturally. Containing ozone ice melts, there is the presence of ozone in ice water mixture, inhibit the growth of microorganisms, thereby extending the shelf life of fish.

In 1963-1979 a series of articles, Fauvel chlorine and ozone were investigated for E. coli contaminated mussels and clams degradation effect of pollution was found frozen several times, the muscles and petal fall between the liquid coli number higher than chlorine. Fauvel 1977 estimates of the required ozone, water containing 2000 ~ 5000E.coli / l ozone dosage of 1.5 ~ 2.10 g / m 3. Chen et al (1987) studied the effect on ozone containing nine species (including E. coli, Pseudomonas spp packages, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Salmonella typhi) shrimp. In the initial test, rinse the shrimp 1 hour with 2% containing 5.2 mg / 1 ozone salt solution, coliform reduction of 98.5%. Further study showed that the salt solution than the ozone containing water is more effective complexes, muscle degeneration was not found after ozonation (Chen 1992).

3.3.2 Tianjin Bohai Bank is located in vast shoals rich in shellfish in recent years due Bohai Sea pollution, shellfish quality severely affected. Tianjin Fisheries Research Institute from 1998 to 1999 on the corner between two clams and clam were purified with ozone to purify sea water and normal comparison test. After 24 hours, after relaying the test group the total number of bacteria in shellfish meat, fecal coliform count in the control group were 1/200 and 1/10, the number of fecal coliform in shellfish flesh by the end of 9300 the value / kg reduced to <300 / kg, it can be seen that application of ozone has been significantly purified shellfish.

3.4 The application of ozone gas

Gas ozone as efficient, broad-spectrum, no residual disinfectant gas pollution, food industry than the commonly used chemical disinfectants such as: peracetic acid, potassium permanganate, formaldehyde (formalin), sulfur dioxide (sulfur fumigation) and other phase ratio, the effect is particularly advantageous. Ozone itself points

Decomposed into oxygen without residual contamination after disinfection does not require ventilation.

Ozone and ultraviolet germicidal irradiation, compared with the proliferation of good, uniform concentration, no dead ends and other characteristics, and UV irradiation is not the place for no bactericidal effect. In more than 60% relative humidity, ultraviolet germicidal effect falling sharply, more than 80% humidity can induce anti-bacterial resurrection. Under normal circumstances, aquatic products processing plant and storage compartment humidity relatively large, while the humidity, the greater the use of ozone sterilization, the better the food processing industry, 80% to 90% of high-humidity environment, especially suitable.

3.4.1 cold sterilization, biological pollution is mainly cold mold, because at low temperatures on the survival of a strong disinfectant tolerance. Biotechnology Research Institute, Lanzhou University, Gansu and cooperation, Lanzhou Penicillium cold storage as a disinfectant screening test, formaldehyde, peracetic acid, warehouse tall oil and ozone disinfection comparison preferred the ozone. 12ppm role in ozone for 3 - 4 hours, including a strong resistance germinating spores are not killed.

Refrigerator deodorant application of ozone is very effective, short time to be effective. Whampoa Guangzhou, a refrigeration plant using ozone to remove the smell of fish deterioration, one hour to complete. Chengdu, a refrigerator with ozone to remove the stench of fish after a storage repository of good quality ice cream, other disinfectants are below standard.

3.4.2 Food processing plant sterilization purification, frozen food, aquatic products processing and packaging workshop, have a relatively high hygiene requirements, production workshop microbial pollution is a very important factor in the quality of products. Most of the current domestic processing plant using UV light disinfection, sterilization as UV and shortcomings, processed microbial indicators are difficult to control, particularly severe in the summer. Ozone disinfection processing plant works well for the general use of 0.5-1.0 ppm can reach more than 80% of the sterilization rate, and can effectively remove odor workshop.

Original factory in Tianjin's foreign trade frozen, processed seafood, sausage and smell serious workshop, use the odor of ozone is very effective start one hour a day, the bacteria kill rate of 91. 3% rate of qualified products increased significantly.

Refrigeration Plant Yantai Foreign Trade for many years in processing. Packaging workshop and changing use of ozone disinfection to ensure that the plant health conditions, and improve the quality of aquatic products processing, the bacteria test results are shown in Table 23.

3.4.3 The use of ozone disinfection apparatus for overalls and processing, very effective easy. Especially for clothes disinfection, does not produce a result of high temperature high pressure steam sterilization of cotton produced after the clothes from white to yellow, fiber damage and shedding phenomenon. Not only thorough disinfection, but also prolong life.

4 of ozone in aquaculture applications several issues

Most of the aquaculture industry on the application of ozone is still relatively unknown, people concerned about the application in addition to the effect, but also the existence of ozone on man and on processed foods have adverse impact concerns.

4.1 years of theoretical study and practice has proved that the human impact on the ozone disinfectant is smaller. Because of its properties at higher concentrations 2-4 ppm exposure 45min, can cause intense coughing, while leaving the ozone back to the natural environment symptoms quickly disappear. Grisword on lung function and other ozone toxicity according to test results, the proposed 1.5-2.0ppm ozone allowable concentration limit. Studies have shown that ozone is non-mutagenic nor carcinogenic. Like with any disinfectant, ozone on animals and humans also cause certain physiological responses or even damage, but smaller than the commonly used disinfectants multi, protection is also much easier. So far no case of the world's ozone poisoning.

National scientific community on the physiological damage the ozone role of long-term research and develop the appropriate criteria in Table 24, in order to ensure the application of the health.

4.2 Ozone effects on aquatic organisms

The presence of residual ozone in water for a variety of aquatic impact, RW Ward 2 of the remaining effects of aquatic organisms to analyze and comment on the study, ozone does not tolerate animal species have different abilities. Red? Return to be sensitive to ozone, shrimp, crab, is a strong ozone tolerance. In general, the dosing of ozone residual ozone concentration after 15 minutes can be reduced to 0.01mg / l or less. In the breeding and nursery water, under normal circumstances ozone dosage per cubic meter of water in the body 1-2g, the water content is minimal residual ozone. Therefore, we conducted a variety of breeding and nursery trials and production application of ozone, were not aware of any adverse effects. In the application of ozone in the ozone dosage reasonable control, its security and economy are very important.

4.3 of ozone on the impact of goods and food

4.3.1 ozone oxidation of certain goods, he is more corrosive rubber, prolonged contact with hard brittle or cracking, and no significant change in the plastic effect. Ozone can make it a long acting on the surface of the copper turns green, the role of stainless steel, plated? Material did not change color with the plastic surface. Over the years proven in production applications, the application of ozone processing plant, cold storage equipment installations were not found significant damage to the case.

4.3.2 Ozone is a strong oxidant, ozone is generally believed that direct contact with fatty foods such as: fish, meat, etc. can cause oxidation. However, the current in cold storage fish are generally good packaging, but also in the application of cold storage ozone concentration is low, it will not affect the quality.

May 1999 Tianjin Fisheries Research Institute in Port Arthur, the use of 0.05-0.09ppm of ozone-containing water to wash the fish processing and transfer to a plate with ozone water freezes, the difference compared with the control and without any adverse effects.

• Conclusion

5.1 of ozone in aquaculture sea, freshwater aquaculture and nursery production in a wide range of uses, currently only some areas in which certain aspects of the test and application, has shown its significance and role. As can be seen, if aquaculture ozone wide application in various fields will produce enormous economic and social benefits for the establishment of efficient aquaculture and nursery will have a huge role in promoting prosperity. Therefore, proposals should further develop and deepen the various fields of ozone in aquaculture applied research in aquaculture production, the application of comprehensive scientific ozone technology to lay a solid foundation.

5.2 Application of ozone on breeding, nursery water for processing, is a great advantage for the development of water treatment methods. Application in production can effectively solve the problem of water pollution, and the application of ozone for water treatment and side effects without any residual ozone is the world's cleanest disinfecting cleaning agent. Proposal to organize the relevant departments, be widely used in aquaculture ozone technology is the development of healthy, productive and efficient fisheries - a strong promotion.

5.3 Ozone processing applications in aquaculture is a relatively mature technology, scientific use of ozone will greatly improve the quality of aquatic products processing grain can widely used ozone technology, is China's aquatic products processing industry whether the key link to the world. Relaying the use of ozone for fish and shellfish purification, is to improve the quality of fresh fish a very effective measure. Thus, in the field of aquatic products processing is widely used ozone technology promotion is necessary. However, the in-depth study for the fish processing industry, economic and durable, superior performance of special equipment, but also a very important task.

5.4 ozone generator ozone water processor is the core component of the current on the basis of the results already achieved should be further examined, so that the main step to improve equipment performance functions to further improve. To put on a new generation of product quality gold development, product standardization, serialization to work on, is the line mass production as soon as possible aquatic environment equipment industry for industrial aquaculture and nursery production to provide infrastructure, the development of health, water fisheries measures necessary.


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